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5 Tips For Surviving The Final Stretch

Can you believe that we are in the final stretch of the 2017 school year? My kiddos are already counting the days until Christmas and I can hardly believe that we’ve almost completed a full term. The days have flown by. I look back at the start of the year, full of aspirations and see what has been accomplished so far.

Last night, we were watching Derek Redmond's Olympic 400-meter Sprint on YouTube. It was a powerful reminder of perseverance, determination and heart. While in the race, Derek's hamstring is injured and he makes the decision to pursue his goal, gives his best effort and sees his hard work through to completion. In seeing his son's struggle, his father comes to his side and gives his support in reaching his goal. In this, I'm reminded that our homeschool journey is much like Derek's race, we are to:

Never Give Up

Make the decision to pursue our homeschooling goals; NEVER GIVE UP!

  1. Give our best effort

  2. See our hard work through to completion

  3. Embrace that the support of others is available and, at times, needed in reaching your goals (no man's [or homeschool mom's] an island, right?)

  4. Our Father is ALWAYS at our side, He will go the distance and give us His strength along the way.


We’ve had our ups and our downs, our challenges and our joys. And like you, we still have a way to go. With this in mind, keep focused on what’s important and keep up the good work!

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